Who is Richard Heart? Mensa genius or fraud?

Pulsechain Newsletter #4

Who is Richard Heart?

Richard Heart is a self-proclaimed Mensa genius and cryptocurrency expert. He has a large following on social media, where he shares his thoughts on freedom of speech, freedom of movement and generally being a better person. However, he is also a controversial figure, and some people believe that he is a fraud.

He is a founder and creator of Hex, Pulsechain and PulseX which is no small feat, with both Hex and Pulsechain running flawlessly since their inception, Heart also raised $27m for charity and had a documentary made about him call “the Highest of stakes” which was made by the community members with many of them donating to fund the movie.

Despite the controversy surrounding him, Heart remains a popular figure in the cryptocurrency community. His followers believe that he is a visionary who is ahead of his time. However, others believe that he is a fraud who is taking advantage of his followers, although when followers ask detractors where are the victims its..Well crickets, they can never find any so called “victims”

It is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe Richart Heart is a Mensa genius or a fraud. But as one user who is a recent addition to the “Richard heart space” put it.

“The first thing you come across RichardHeartWin, if you’re new to him, if you dont spend more than about 2 hrs, you’re gonna get immediately turned off”-fmolina1996 this was on ATXCrypto_ stream along with wescottcrypto and was a great steam, check it out >> here if you are interested.

I always advocate that everyone do their own research, you never know when you will stumble across a hidden gem while having your morning coffee.

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